FOCUS!!!!!!! Is that something you say to your kids all the time? I do. Its not that they are hyper or can't focus its just that their little brains have so much going on, just like we do as adults, but rather than what bills we need to pay, where we need to be and when, and what to cook for dinner they are thinking of what to play with next, what they can create etc... Its important for little ones just as it is for us to take some time and to relax and be peaceful. My kids are past the point of napping, but with the chaos of school, activities and everyday life I have found that yoga is a fabulous outlet for them.
Each of the kids have their own yoga mat, and we use this DVD, which I think is great for them and it keeps their attention for the entire time.
This is how we roll......
Sometimes this is how I feel, like there are 4 kids-the good and bad Aiden, the good and bad Livy and I don't care if there was a good and bad me I would love nothing more than for there to be two of me! Imagine how much I could get done!!!